contact us

To get in touch with us, search for the company's name or the field of activity.

Ava Tejarat Saba Co.


Mehr Plast Faraman Co


Kalhor Daneh Jnoub Co.

Livestock and Poultry Feed

Nab Daneh Semnan Degreasing Co.

Food Industries

Kesht va Sanat Mahidasht, Kermanshah, Iran

Food Industries

Mahidasht Degreasing Factory, Bandar Imam Khomeini, Iran

Food Industries

Kesht va Sanat Shomal Co. [Shomal Agroindustry Co.]

Food Industries

Siman Saman Gharb Co.


Ebtekar Sazeh Iranian Co

Civil Engineering

Zera'at Gelareh Kalhor Co

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

Bavan Kalhor Agro-Industry and Animal Husbandry Co.

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

Sangin Bar Kalhor Transport Co.
